This last week has been so jammed packed, so fun filled, so over flowing with love. And as today was our FINAL Christmas celebration, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders. Now it's time to relax. Like don't-change-out-of-pajamas kind of relax. Ah yes.
Our celebrations started last Sunday, with our annual "Christmas Eve" with my mom's side of the family. It worked better for all of us to do it a day early, so we all packed up and headed out to Sarah's for some secret Santa, good food and lots of laughs. I have been spending Christmas Eve with these people my entire life, and I have loved every single night. I have loved watching as we grew up, and as our families grew. It's amazing to see Grandma with her EIGHT great grandchildren. It's never quite the same without Grandpa, but the love still bubbles over. These folks are my heart.
Christmas Eve was supposed to be a low key day, until we had to set out on a man hunt for our cat. We realized early in the morning that we hadn't seen her, her food was untouched and her litter box had only been used once since it was changed the day before. Me, as the eternal pessimist that I am, was certain we were never going to find her alive. We searched all day to no avail, which only made me feel more like it was doomed to be a sad, sad situation. Luckily, she was FINALLY found late Christmas Eve night, hiding in the basement. Attention starved, but perfectly fine. Phew!
But....our celebrations carried on, and we had my parents and Grandmother over for dinner and presents. The last couple years we have done gifts with my parents on Christmas morning, but this year we chose to start a new tradition, and let Christmas morning be just "our" time for our gifts and Santa's gifts.
That tree would indicate one spoiled lucky little kid.
Loved his new blocks, and it took him only 2 minutes to figure out how to dump out all 80 of them.
And Gigi got down on the floor, in true Gigi fashion, and played blocks with him. Melt my heart. Such a special moment for both of them, and for me, to see it all unfold.
The picture is blurry, but the happiness and love is obvious.
....and then there's our sad attempt at a family photo. This kid is really not loving pictures these days. Siiiiiigh.
Once everyone left (and Daphne was found safe), Santa was able to deliver all his gifts, and we were able to hit the hay and wait for the magic of Christmas morning.
Magic....not quite. We were thinking for a good portion of the night / early morning that we would be spending a solid part of our day in urgent care with Landon. We were sure his ears were bothering him when he spent a good chunk of the night screaming and just incredibly unhappy. Jeremy ended up sleeping in his rocking chair with him until I finally woke them both up at 8:30. What? I had time to get up, make muffins and coffee, and sit down and watch some TV before they were even interested in presents? Eh. I'll have enough early Christmas mornings in my future, might as well enjoy the peace while I can. At any rate, once Landon was up, he was good to go, and loved his gifts from Mommy and Daddy and Santa.
The magic wasn't there at 3AM, but come 8:45 when wrapping paper started flying, it was all Christmas magic, and my heart was full.
By far, Landon's favorite gift was his new wagon from Grandma and Grandpa Laeder. Which was obvious when he refused to get out of it on Christmas morning. We had to watch TV, eat our snack, and get DRESSED....all from inside the wagon. Safe to say his Radio Flyer was a hit.
We also did a little Christmas morning bowling, thanks to Santa's delivery.
After all our gifts were opened and our muffins were enjoyed, we got ready, and headed over to Jeremy's parents. We were lucky enough for my parents to join us on Christmas Day as well, so Landon got to spend the day with both sets of Grandparents, always special. He spent a lot of time watching the train, eating, playing with his cousins, and....napping. And snuggling. And freaking his mommy out, as I was determined there was still something wrong. At this point, I think we've concluded that he's just incredibly out of routine and therefore, out of sorts. Really craving this next week of just being lazy and getting ourselves back into our routine.
We didn't have much snow ON Christmas, but the day after, the heavens opened and dumped about 7 inches on us! Which was Landon's first REAL snow fall. We never got all that much last winter, so Mama could not wait to get him suited up and out in the fluffy white stuff.
He could hardly move once all the necessary items were put on him, but he fun nonetheless. And what's cuter than a little chunk struggling to walk in the snow?
On Saturday, we headed out with Jeremy's family to see the How the Grinch Stole Christmas at the Detroit Opera House. We are starting a new tradition, and the first year was a huge success. Because we know our son all too well, and knew he would NEVER make it through the show, he stayed home with my parents during the show. The Opera House was GORGEOUS and the show was SO cute!
After the show, we headed back to the Teltow homestead for dinner, presents, and games. Landon scored, AGAIN, and more great memories were made. I feel so truly blessed to be a part of the families that I am.
As unbelievably exhausted as we were, we headed to Dave and Brianna's today for our FINAL Christmas celebration with the Best Good Friends. Again, so blessed to have the friends I have in my world. At one point, the girls were upstairs, and I was sitting downstairs with all our men, and a sleeping baby on my chest, and as I listened to our husbands and boyfriends all talk, I couldn't help but wonder, "Whoa. When did we grow up?". They were having real, adult conversations, and it was as though it suddenly hit me that we aren't in high school any more talking about meaningless things (as if the weddings and the kid didn't show me that already?). But....I've gotta say, we all did damn good. We have all chosen some amazing men (and let's face it, they got some pretty incredible women), and I love how well they all get along, so that these kinds of gatherings can be possible. Way to go, girls. And I can't wait for the day when the whole house is filled with all our children (you Landon has something to entertain him other than the stairs), because I know they'll all love each other the same way too. Makes me all warm and fuzzy inside, really.
So that's that. It's finally over. I love Christmas, don't get me wrong, but it was truly exhausting this year, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the calm after the storm. Christmas decorations are all coming down tomorrow and New Year's Day, and our house will finally be back to normal, and HOPEFULLY, Landon will only take a day or two to settle back into our normal routine. Because this mama is beat, and he is too. We need our routine to stay sane, clearly.
I'm working on my whole list of resolutions, so keep your eyes peeled. I have a lot I'm promising myself this year, and in my heart, I feel like if I put it in print, here, for you all to see, I'll be held more accountable, and more likely to succeed. We'll see. Right now, I'm still drafting ;)
Hope all of your Christmases were as merry and love filled as ours!!!